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Face Rejuvenation Gold Coast

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Dermal fillers icon 02, Address nose shape Address nose shape
Reshape Cheeks Address cheek shape

Adding Volume to the Face

Over time, facial volume is gradually lost, and the skin can become thinner. With our treatment options, you can add volume to specific areas of the face with personalised treatment steps. An aesthetic treatment for face volume, also known as dermal fillers, can achieve long-lasting results that may be lengthened with maintenance treatments.

Why add volume to the face?

As we naturally lose facial volume with age, it can lead to changes in our facial skin. These changes can include fine lines and wrinkles, tear troughs, a loss of volume in the cheeks, and for some areas of the face to have visible skin laxity.

With an aesthetic treatment for face volume, adding volume to the face can:

  • Reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles
  • Add volume underneath the eyes to treat tear troughs (when the area underneath the eyes becomes hollow due to volume loss)
  • Make changes to the cheek shape and volume
  • Reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds
  • Adjust the projection, size, and shape of the chin
  • Create a lift on/around the eyebrows

For more focused treatments on other areas of the face, strategically adding volume can address:

  • Nose shape, such as concealing bumps, creating a straighter appearance or addressing asymmetry
  • Lip volume, such as increasing the size of the lips, or making changes to the shape of the lips

When you book a consultation at Sculpted Clinic, we can go over your treatment options and put together a personalised plan that is tailored to your needs. You can discuss your personal goals with one of our experienced team members and receive personalised advice.

Who is suitable for facial volume treatment?

Not all cosmetic treatments are suitable for each person, as there are various individual factors (such as health, unique features and personal expectations) to consider. Aesthetic treatment for face volume should be performed on suitable candidates to raise the likelihood of achieving positive results for the individual and to prevent possible side effects.

When you come into the clinic for your consultation, you will discuss your expectations for the treatment, as well as any health and lifestyle factors that may be important to consider. Your desired treatment area will also be assessed for characteristics such as skin laxity and to assess how much volume may need to be added to work towards your expected results.

Suitable candidates for facial volume treatment (performed on areas of the face, nose or lips) should be in good general health, without a known allergy or hypersensitivity to materials used during the treatment. Conditions such as an active infection in the desired treatment area can mean that the treatment is not a suitable option. Active acne and certain health conditions can also be contraindications to the treatment. We do not typically recommend the treatment for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Since smoking can interfere with the longevity of results, smoking may also be considered to be a contraindication to treatment.

Candidates may need to have good skin laxity for their desired treatment. When it comes to expectations, suitable candidates will have realistic expectations for what can be achieved with their personalised treatment. Candidates should also be able to follow aftercare steps to help support their results and prevent or minimise some possible side effects.

Following some preparation steps can sometimes help to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, such as avoiding certain medications or supplements, or quitting smoking. Your consultation will provide you with everything you need to know when it comes to being suitable for a facial volume treatment.

How a facial volume treatment works

One treatment to add volume to the face, nose, or lips can create instant results, that can last up to 12 to 24 months. The results of an aesthetic treatment for face volume will always vary from person to person. Generally, if you want to maintain your results in the longer term, you’ll need to have maintenance treatments, which can be discussed when creating your personalised treatment plan.

Your treatment plan will outline the specific areas of the face that volume will be added to, and how much volume will be added. You’ll be able to discuss further details during your consultation, before your treatment session. Treatments should always be personalised to consider your unique facial features, your personal preferences, and other individual factors such as lifestyle or health factors. Treatment to add volume to the face should be performed by experienced and trained staff. At Sculpted Clinic on the Gold Coast, our team is led by Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Raja Sawhney.

Treatments can take about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the detailed steps of your personalised treatment. You should be able to resume your normal daily routine after treatment.

Dr Raja Sawhney

Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Training and Qualifications

Dr Raja Sawhney played a pivotal role in developing a comprehensive unit to service the demand for breast cancer resection and reconstruction, lower limb trauma and complex head and neck cancer resection and reconstruction. He dedicates a majority of his time to complex and challenging reconstructive surgery for patients who have had deformities, either from birth, from abnormal development, or after trauma or cancer.

Experience and Skills

was accepted to and commenced advanced training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2007 governed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgery (RACS) and the Australian Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He completed this training and was awarded Fellowship from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – FRACS (Plast) in 2011.

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Dr Raja Sawhney from the Gold Coast 11-2

Aftercare steps and tips

After any treatment, you should always treat the treated area with care and follow any instructions that were provided during your consultation. Aftercare steps can support your results and prevent or minimise side effects.

As with all aesthetic treatments, face treatment for volume loss can be associated with possible side effects (most of which are temporary), which can generally be prevented or minimised by following your aftercare instructions. Your instructions will need to be personalised to consider the specific treatment area and any individual factors (such as health or lifestyle) that may influence aftercare.

Some of your personalised aftercare steps (specific products and the amount of time to avoid certain activities can be personalised!) may include the following:

  • Avoid certain skincare products or makeup for up to 24 hours to two days
  • Avoid touching, itching or applying pressure to the treated area
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and excessive heat exposure for up to two days
  • Avoid undergoing other specified cosmetic skin treatments for up to two weeks
  • Avoid taking certain medications or supplements for three days to one week
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for up to two days
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours
  • Take mild pain medication to manage discomfort
  • Keep the skin clean in the treated area
  • Gently apply a cold compress to the treated area

Following your facial volume treatment, please monitor the treated area and contact the clinic if you have any concerns.

The costs of your facial volume treatment at Sculpted Clinic, Gold Coast

An aesthetic treatment for face volume is personalised, with detailed steps that are tailored to what you personally want to achieve with the treatment.

Since each treatment will be tailor-made for each individual, costs will need to be calculated during your consultation, before your treatment.

Some factors that will need to be considered when calculating the costs of face rejuvenation treatment include the specific treatment areas and the amount of volume that will be added.

If you want to receive a personalised quote, please contact our team to book your consultation. You are also welcome to contact us if you have any further questions about treatment costs!

Are there any side effects from facial volume treatment?

All kinds of aesthetic treatments can be associated with possible side effects. Some of these side effects are minimal and occur just after treatment, before typically subsiding within a few hours or days. Sometimes, side effects can occur that can require medical attention or additional treatments. Our team will do our best to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the treatment before proceeding, to help prevent these side effects.

Some side effects can also be minimised, prevented or managed by following your aftercare steps. You will receive personalised advice during your consultation on aftercare, but you can also refer to our aftercare steps and tips section for general advice.

Possible side effects that can occur after aesthetic treatment for face volume/face treatment for volume-loss include redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, bruising, itching, or discolouration. These particular side effects normally settle over a few days after your treatment session. Temporary lumps or bumps can also occur and may subside, but sometimes, lumps or bumps may need additional treatments to be addressed.

More complicated side effects, that may need medical attention or treatment, include infection, firmness in the treated area, allergic reaction, asymmetrical results or prolonged pain, swelling or discomfort. If you do experience any symptoms of these side effects, please contact our clinic for advice or seek medical attention.

Our team will explain the possible side effects of facial volume treatment during your consultation.

Sculpted Clinic on the Gold Coast

When it comes to adding volume to the face, it is possible to go too far. That’s why our team will make sure that they understand your personal goals and can put together a treatment plan that is realistic and will suit your unique facial features.

When you attend your consultation, we will take the time to find out your goals for this procedure, and then work with you to tailor-make a plan to suit your needs.

To request your consultation at Sculpted, or to ask any questions you may have, contact us today.

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Dr Sawhney 02, Gold Coast Plastic Surgeon