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Otoplasty Gold Coast

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What can you expect from Otoplasty?

Otoplasty icon 01, Adjust Earlo-be Height Adjust Earlobe Height
reduce-ear-prominence-img Reduce Ear Prominence
Remove Uneeded Cartilage Remove Uneeded Cartilage

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What is Otoplasty

Otoplasty, also known as ear surgery, is a surgical procedure that modifies the ears in terms of size, shape, or position.

This operation is often chosen by individuals seeking changes for ears that may appear too large, asymmetrical, or shaped differently due to congenital conditions or injury. The procedure addresses a variety of ear concerns, including large ears, protruding ears, and shape irregularities.

Dr. Sawhney’s approach in otoplasty is individualised, taking into account the patient’s facial structure and specific ear-related issues. The aim is to achieve a balanced appearance that is harmonious with the ears’ natural contours. This procedure involves more than adjusting the ears’ position; it may include reshaping the cartilage and modifying the size of the ears to ensure a natural positioning relative to the head.

Dr. Sawhney’s Approach to Otoplasty

Dr. Sawhney personalises each otoplasty to suit the patient’s unique requirements, understanding the importance of how each ear complements the facial profile. His meticulous approach combines surgical accuracy with an artistic perspective to create outcomes that aesthetically align with the patient’s facial features.

During consultations, Dr Sawhney evaluates the ears in relation to the patient’s face, discussing various techniques like ear pinning, earlobe reduction, or cartilage reshaping. He may use imaging technology to simulate potential outcomes, aiding in the decision-making process. Patient education is key in Dr. Sawhney’s practice, ensuring patients are fully informed about the procedure, recovery, and expected results.

The Otoplasty Consultation

Consultations for otoplasty with Dr. Sawhney are comprehensive, focusing on understanding the patient’s specific ear structure and its relation to facial balance. He assesses the size, shape, symmetry, and position of the ears and discusses the various surgical options available.

During the consultation, Dr. Sawhney explains the surgery’s nature, its limitations, and the realistic results that can be achieved. Risks associated with the procedure, post-operative care, and the recovery process are also thoroughly discussed. This comprehensive approach ensures that patients are well-informed and can confidently make decisions regarding the surgery.

Candidates for Otoplasty

Suitable candidates for otoplasty typically include individuals looking to change the appearance of their ears due to size, shape, or position. The procedure is suitable for adults and children, typically aged five or older, when the ears have nearly reached their adult size.

Dr. Sawhney evaluates each candidate’s medical history, ear anatomy, and aesthetic objectives during the consultation to ensure they are suitable for this procedure. The evaluation helps in devising a surgical plan tailored to the patient’s specific concerns.

Dr Raja Sawhney

Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Training and Qualifications

Dr Raja Sawhney played a pivotal role in developing a comprehensive unit to service the demand for breast cancer resection and reconstruction, lower limb trauma and complex head and neck cancer resection and reconstruction. He dedicates a majority of his time to complex and challenging reconstructive surgery for patients who have had deformities, either from birth, from abnormal development, or after trauma or cancer.

Experience and Skills

was accepted to and commenced advanced training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2007 governed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgery (RACS) and the Australian Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He completed this training and was awarded Fellowship from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – FRACS (Plast) in 2011.

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Dr Raja Sawhney from the Gold Coast 11-2

Before & After Images

The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors, including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.

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Recovery and Risks

Otoplasty, like any surgical procedure, has potential risks and complications, which Dr. Sawhney discusses with patients during the consultation. His extensive experience and precise surgical methods aim to minimise these risks, ensuring optimal outcomes for his patients.

The potential risks of otoplasty include:

  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • Infection at the incision site
  • Bleeding or hematoma formation
  • Asymmetry in ear appearance
  • Scarring at the surgical site
  • Changes in skin sensation around the ears
  • Dissatisfaction with the final appearance
  • Need for revision surgery

Dr. Sawhney’s priority is ensuring patient safety and satisfaction, focusing on achieving aesthetically pleasing results while maintaining the integrity of the ears’ natural structure and position.

More information about Otoplasty

Different methods for performing otoplasty

Otoplasty techniques vary based on the individual’s requirements. Common methods include ear pinning for protruding ears, earlobe reduction for large lobes, and cartilage scoring to alter ear shape. Dr. Sawhney selects the most fitting technique based on the patient’s anatomy and desired outcome, aiming for precision and natural ear contours.

Things to consider before ear reshaping surgery

Individuals contemplating otoplasty should consider their reasons for the surgery, specific changes they wish to achieve, and the procedure’s potential risks and limitations. Selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon like Dr. Sawhney is essential for a successful outcome. Understanding the financial aspects and the emotional impact of the surgery is also crucial.

Aftercare and recovery process

The immediate post-operative period following otoplasty typically involves wearing a supportive headband to protect the ears. Patients may experience some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with medication as prescribed by Dr. Sawhney.

Dr. Sawhney provides detailed care instructions, including advice on managing discomfort and caring for the surgical site. He advises patients to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks to ensure proper healing and to follow specific guidelines on head elevation and ear care.

The recovery timeline varies for each individual, but most patients are able to return to their daily routines within one to two weeks. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure any concerns are promptly addressed.

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Dr Sawhney 02, Gold Coast Plastic Surgeon