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What you can expect from Thigh Lift

Inner Thigh Lift
Outer Thigh Lift

What is a Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reshaping the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and more proportionate contours.

This procedure is especially beneficial for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, leading to sagging skin on the thighs, or for those who have not achieved their desired results through diet and exercise alone.

The thigh lift procedure can address both the inner and outer thighs. Depending on the patient’s specific needs, Dr. Sawhney customises the surgical approach to target the areas most affected. The procedure involves incisions through which excess skin and fat are removed, and the remaining skin is lifted and tightened. This not only alters the appearance of the thighs but also can increase the comfort and ease of movement, particularly in cases where excess skin causes chafing or hygiene issues.

Dr. Sawhney’s approach focuses on achieving a balanced and natural look, harmonising the thighs with the overall body shape. His experience ensures the results are aesthetically pleasing, with scars strategically placed to minimise visibility.

Dr. Sawhney’s Approach to Thigh Lift

Dr. Sawhney’s approach to thigh lift surgery is comprehensive and patient-focused. He understands the impact that sagging, loose skin on the thighs can have on an individual’s confidence and quality of life. Therefore, he takes great care in tailoring each thigh lift procedure to the patient’s specific body shape and aesthetic goals.

During the consultation, Dr. Sawhney conducts a detailed examination of the thigh area, assessing skin quality, the extent of excess skin and fat, and the overall leg contour. He discusses the various thigh lift techniques, including those targeting the inner thighs, outer thighs, or both, and helps the patient understand which approach would suit their needs.

Dr. Sawhney places a strong emphasis on achieving natural-looking results with the least visible scarring possible. He carefully plans incision sites and employs advanced surgical techniques to optimise the aesthetic outcome while minimising recovery time and discomfort.

The Thigh Lift Consultation

The consultation for a thigh lift with Dr. Sawhney is a critical step in the patient’s surgical journey. It provides an opportunity to discuss individual concerns, desired outcomes, and to develop a clear understanding of what the procedure entails.

During this consultation, Dr. Sawhney evaluates the patient’s thighs in terms of skin elasticity, the amount of excess skin and fat, and overall leg shape. He explains the different thigh lift techniques, what to expect during the surgery, and the recovery process. Dr. Sawhney also discusses potential risks and answers any questions the patient may have, ensuring they are well-informed and comfortable with the proposed treatment plan.

This comprehensive consultation is essential for setting realistic expectations and ensuring that the patient feels confident in their decision to undergo a thigh lift.

Candidates for Thigh Lift

Ideal candidates for a thigh lift are individuals who are bothered by the appearance of sagging, loose skin on their thighs, often as a result of significant weight loss or natural aging. Candidates should be in good overall health, at a stable weight, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery.

During the consultation, Dr. Sawhney assesses the patient’s overall health, examines the thigh area, and discusses their aesthetic goals to determine if a thigh lift is the most appropriate procedure for them. He ensures that candidates understand that a thigh lift is not a weight loss procedure but rather a body contouring surgery designed to alter the shape and tone of the thighs.

Dr Raja Sawhney

Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Training and Qualifications

Dr Raja Sawhney played a pivotal role in developing a comprehensive unit to service the demand for breast cancer resection and reconstruction, lower limb trauma and complex head and neck cancer resection and reconstruction. He dedicates a majority of his time to complex and challenging reconstructive surgery for patients who have had deformities, either from birth, from abnormal development, or after trauma or cancer.

Experience and Skills

was accepted to and commenced advanced training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2007 governed by the Royal Australasian College of Surgery (RACS) and the Australian Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He completed this training and was awarded Fellowship from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – FRACS (Plast) in 2011.

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Dr Raja Sawhney from the Gold Coast 11-2

Recovery and Risks

As with any surgical procedure, a thigh lift carries potential risks and complications. These may include reactions to anesthesia, infection, bleeding, and the possibility of asymmetrical results or changes in sensation. While these risks are relatively rare, they are important considerations for anyone contemplating a thigh lift.

Dr. Sawhney discusses all potential risks during the consultation process and employs meticulous surgical techniques to minimise these risks, ensuring an optimal outcome for his patients. He encourages patients to fully understand the recovery process and potential risks before proceeding with the surgery, prioritising patient safety and satisfaction above all else.

More information about Thigh Lift

Different Methods for Performing a Thigh Lift

There are various techniques for performing a thigh lift, each tailored to address specific concerns. The inner thigh lift targets the inner thigh area, while the outer thigh lift focuses on the outer and mid-thigh regions. In some cases, a combination of both may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

Dr. Sawhney chooses the most appropriate technique based on the patient’s individual needs and the extent of correction required. He discusses the advantages and limitations of each method during the consultation, ensuring that the chosen approach aligns with the patient’s unique needs and aesthetic objectives.

Things to Consider When Considering a Thigh Lift

When considering a thigh lift, patients should think about their specific goals for improving the appearance and feel of their thighs, their expectations for the results, and the recovery process. Understanding the potential risks and limitations of the procedure, including scarring and the need for a recovery period, is essential.

Choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon like Dr. Sawhney is crucial, as experience in thigh lift surgery is vital for achieving optimal results. Patients should also consider the emotional and psychological impact of the surgery, as well as the financial aspects, including the cost of the procedure and any associated expenses during the recovery period. Dr. Sawhney ensures that all these aspects are thoroughly discussed during the consultation process.

Aftercare and Recovery Process for Thigh Lift

The recovery process following a thigh lift is an important phase for achieving the optimal results. Post-operative care typically involves wearing compression garments to reduce swelling and support the new thigh contours. Patients can expect some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with medication prescribed by Dr. Sawhney.

Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and rest sufficiently to facilitate healing. Dr. Sawhney provides detailed instructions on how to care for the surgical sites, manage pain, and recognise signs of any complications.

The recovery timeline varies among individuals, but most patients can return to their routine activities within a few weeks. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the healing process and address any concerns that may arise. Dr. Sawhney’s commitment to patient care extends beyond the surgery, ensuring a smooth and comfortable recovery process.

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Dr Sawhney 02, Gold Coast Plastic Surgeon